If the young people must remember God and do countless exploits for Him in their youthful years, as counseled by the preacher in Ecclesiastes, then it becomes pertinent that the rich benefits inherent in God’s word must be facilitated so that they can connect in a seamless manner.
The YoungMind Reflections 2015 has therefore been specially packaged as a medium with which all our young people in Methodist Church and other denominations will be encouraged to relate excellently with God and become emboldened to model the right virtues and values required of charming children of God.
In line with the theme of Conference for 2015 “Aglow with the Spirit” (Roman 12:11), what we need to sustain a thriving relationship with God is constant spiritual exercise of reflections on God’s word.
So on behalf of His Eminence, Dr. Samuel ‘Emeka Kanu Uche, JP, Prelate, Methodist Church Nigeria, and all our inspired people who have contributed immensely to the production of the book, we welcome you to have a copy of Young Mind Reflections 2015 as your daily companion and get other copies for your relatives and friends.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">如果年轻人一定要记住神,做了无数战功的他在他们的青春岁月,作为辅导在传道书的布道者,那么它就变成相关的固有神的话语丰富的好处必须提供便利,使他们能够以无缝的方式连接。
因此,代表他的卓越,塞缪尔博士“埃梅卡卡努乌切,JP,高级教士,卫理公会教堂尼日利亚,和我们所有的启发人谁也大大促进了生产的书,我们欢迎您有幼小的心灵思考的一个副本2015年你的日常伴侣,并得到其他副本为你的亲人和朋友。</div> <div class="show-more-end">